We are a church that offers a variety of styles of worship in our Sunday morning service. Whether you enjoy Traditional, Contemporary, or Blended worship, we invite you to come, taste, and experience the flourishing goodness of God's love, and thrive in His presence."
At CPC Lombard, we love having children join us for the first part of our Sunday morning worship service! As we move from the "Gathering" to the "Listening" portion of our service, children are warmly invited forward for an age-appropriate children's message. Afterward, they can either return to sit with their family or join their peers for a fun, engaging lesson in Sunday School.
For those who choose to remain in worship, we invite them to pick up one of our worship activity bags located in the narthex to help them engage with the service. Additionally, we provide a nursery for children ages 0-2, where they can enjoy a safe and nurturing environment.
We’re excited to share this time with families of all shapes and sizes!
At CPC Lombard, we love having children join us for the first part of our Sunday morning worship service! As we move from the "Gathering" to the "Listening" portion of our service, children are warmly invited forward for an age-appropriate children's message. Afterward, they can either return to sit with their family or join their peers for a fun, engaging lesson in Sunday School.
For those who choose to remain in worship, we invite them to pick up one of our worship activity bags located in the narthex to help them engage with the service. Additionally, we provide a nursery for children ages 0-2, where they can enjoy a safe and nurturing environment.
We’re excited to share this time with families of all shapes and sizes!
NURSERY Ages 0 - 2 Our nursery is located on the main floor, past the office at the end of the hall. It is staffed by loving, trained individuals who are dedicated to caring for our youngest children. All of our nursery volunteers have completed child protection training to ensure a safe and nurturing environment. If you need assistance, an usher would be happy to show you where to go. |
CHILDREN'S MESSAGE Age 2 through 5th Grade Each Sunday, children are invited forward for a brief, age-appropriate message led by one of our caring adults, all of whom have completed child protection training to ensure a safe and welcoming environment. After the message, children are invited to return to their seats to sit with their family or join their peers for an engaging age-appropriate lesson in Sunday School. |
SUNDAY SCHOOL Age 2 through 5th Grade Children are invited to leave the worship space and join their peers for an age-appropriate lesson on Sunday mornings. These lessons are led by our dedicated adult volunteers, all of whom have completed a child protection training program to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for our young ones. As worship draws to a close, the children are brought back to the narthex to reunite with their families. |
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